Fox Kid's Escaflowne

Escaflowne's Fox Kids logo

For many people, myself included, Fox Kids’ version of Escaflowne was their introduction to the series. This version, produced for American TV, is largely disliked due to the many edits made. The cut version however holds a special place in my heart, and because of this I wished to create a small space for information about it so there could be at least one place where it is appreciated for introducing so many people to this beautiful series, and giving them a chance to experience it at least in some way.

Escaflowne was licensed in 1998 by Bandai Entertainment (then Anime Village) for American home release. They produced 8 subbed VHS which were sold separately as well as in a boxset. Plans to release the series on DVD followed in 1999, for release in early 2000, that would include an English dub. During this time Escaflowne was being ‘shopped around to TV stations’ in the hopes of an American broadcast. Fox eventually bought the rights, beating out other broadcasters, and announced that they would start to air Escaflowne as part of their Saturday morning lineup in 2000. Due to the upcoming broadcast, Bandai Entertainment decided to delay their DVD release, pushing it back to October rather than the June release it previously had in order to build up the audience.

When it was revealed that Fox would be showing Escaflowne many people started to worry about what they would do to it. In response to this DVDfile conducted an interview with Jerry Chu, a Bandai Entertainment Producer, in the hopes of alleviating some of the fear fans had. The interview stated that Escaflowne would see minimal changes when it aired on Fox. Even so, using the dub created for the home release, Fox edited Escaflowne to comply with American broadcast standards. They also asked for some replacement lines, which they were granted, but they were unable to produce a new dub themselves.

Although Fox wished to change the background music, both Bandai Entertainment and Sunrise refused to allow them. However new pieces were produced by Inon Zur to fill the stretches of silence and the original score was moved around too. In addition to this, a new opening song [x] was also created by Zur in place of Yakusoku wa Iranai. In contrast the ending was omitted entirely.

Other tracks written by Inon Zur for Escaflowne

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Fox however stopped showing Escaflowne after only 10 episodes. Although many people say Fox canceled Escaflowne due to poor ratings, no official source has ever confirmed this.

The ratings for Escaflowne were considered acceptable for the timeslot, though not quite what Fox had been hoping they'd be. Still the show was put on indefinite ‘hold’ and never reappeared [x] [x]. Despite this, YTV in Canada and Fox Kids/Jetix in the UK both showed the Fox Kids' version in it’s entirety, ending the series with ‘Fateful Confession’.

Only four VHS volumes of the Fox Kids version of Escaflowne were released and only in the US. Like with the uncut version a promotion for Hitomi’s tarot cards was included, what became of this once they canceled the release I do not know. Despite the series being taken off air at episode 10 in America the VHS tapes include up to episode 14.

Much of the speculation around fox's Escaflowne came from information from a supposed inside source from Fox, who under the name TVGuy, posted on the rec.arts.anime.misc group during it's airing.


Channel Country Airdates
Fox Kids America August 19th 2000 to October 21st 2000
YTV Canada September 4th 2000 to February 26th 2001
Fox Kids/Jetix UK January 8th 2001 to Unknown

All titles and synopsis' are copied directly from YTV's website, and all errors are attributed to them.
Episode Number Original Episode Number Episode Title Episode Synopsis
01 02 The Girl From the Mystic Moon In a pillar of light Hitomi and Prince Van are transported to the world of Gaea, where the Earth is known as the "Mystic Moon" in the nightly expanse.
02 03 The Gallant Swordsman Hitomi and Van find themselves separated and lost, when a handsome knight saves Hitomi from a thief.
03 04 The Diabolical Adonis Hitomi's vision of a Zaibach invasion comes true at the hands of a devilish youthful commander named Dilandau.
04 05 Seal of the Brothers After his capture by Dilandau and the Dragon Slayers, Van is imprisoned aboard the Zaibach floating fortress Vione. Folken reveals his identity to Van and attempts to invite him into the folds of the empire.
05 06 & 07 City of Intrigue Hitomi and Van's party seek refuge in Palas, Allen's home and the capital of Asturia.
06 07 & 08 Unexpected Partings King Aston is about to marry off his third daughter. Meanwhile, agents hoping to lure Escaflowne out into the open seize the opportunity to capture Hitomi.
07 08 & 09 The Day the Angel Flew Hitomi, Van and his attendant Merle are forced to depart from Palas in the wake of the devastation Dilandau caused.
08 09 & 10 The Blue-Eyed Prince After Millerna nurses Allen's wounds, the party turns to Freid, the kingdom where her deceased eldest sister Marlene married into the royal family. Here, they meet Marlene's son Prince Chid, a blue-eyed innocent who remembers stories his mother retold of the the peerless knight Allen.
09 10 & 11 Prophecy Of Doom Hitomi reveals her origins from the Mystic Moon, but visions of Zongi's own past intervenes, as well as the prophecy of death that sends Hitomi into a deathlike trance.
10 11 & 12 The Secret Door Millerna discovers a secret door in her sister Marlene's music box. It reveals a diary recounting Millerna and Allen's past.
11 12 & 13 Red Destiny Folken directs the Zaibach troops towards a temple, intent on getting the sword and completing Hitomi's vision.
12 13 & 14 Dangerous Wounds In the last battle, Van receives life threatening injuries which Hitomi discovers match Escaflowne's battle damage exactly.
13 15 Lost Paradise Van is enveloped into the world of the dead, and Hitomi goes to find him.
14 16 & 17 The Guiding Ones Dryden discovers the location of the Mystic Valley in Allen's diaries.
15 17 & 18 The Edge of the World At the ruins of Atlantis, Hitomi, Van and Allen find figures from their past.
16 19 & 20 Operation: Golden Rule of Love All of Asturia prepares for Millerna and Dryden's wedding. Van gives Hitomi an almost, but not quite a love confession that disillusions Hitomi, making her vulnerable to Folken's test of the Fate Alteration Engine.
17 20 & 21 Reaction of Fortune Nari lands back on Asturia and returns to the royal castle on foot to capture Hitomi again. However, the side effects of the fortune-enhancement process continues and she eventually leads Folken to rethink his cause.
18 21 & 22 The Black-Winged Angel Folken reveals the truth about his disappearance during the pre-coronation dragon-slaying ritual ten years ago.
19 23 Storm Premonition Asturia and its neighbouring countries agree to unite their forces against Zaibach and prepare for war.
20 24 Fateful Decision It's once again the day before Hitomi will make her fateful confession to Amano and thus encounter Van. Relieving the events would reunite her with Van, but at the risk of hurting her best friend Yukari and returning back to the war.
21 25 Zone of Absolute Fortune The battle between Zaibach and the allied forces continues. Folken decides that the only way to end the war is to confront Domkirk personally and end his vision of the Sphere of Absolute Fortune.
22 26 Eternal Love Domkirk's vision of reviving the power of Atlantis seems realized as the Sphere of Absolute Fortune's effects spread across the battlefield and the world of Gaea. Gaea's fate in the end lies in a girl from the Mystic Moon and a white-winged dragon.
23 01 Fateful Confession While Hitomi is running on the school's track, a man and dragon appear before her. Hitomi and the man appear on another planet, called Gaea and they're surrounded by mysterious beasts. Hitomi's adventure in this new world begin!

Main Voice Cast

Character Name English Voice Actor
Hitomi Kanzaki Kelly Sheridan
Yukari Uchida Willow Johnson/Saffron Henderson
Amano Susumu Brian Drummond
Van Fanel Kirby Morrow
Merle Jocelyne Loewen
Allen Schezar Brian Drummond
Celena Schezar Ellen Kennedy
Mole Man Terry Klassen
Millerna Aston Venus Terzo
Eries Aston Ellen Kennedy
Dryden Fassa Michael Dobson
Gaddas Ward Perry
Folken Fanel Paul Dobson
Dilandau Albatou Andrew Francis
Dornkirk Richard Newman
Naria Nicole Oliver
Eriya Saffron Henderson


Production Bandai Entertainment, Inc.
Subtitling Production ZRO Limit
Dubbing Production The Ocean Group
English Translation Dave Fleming
English Dubbed Script Sarah-Anne Dafoe
Producer Ken Iyadomi
Co-Producers Charles McCarter
Richard Kekahuna